before doing a photo shoot, one must always
a) check their batteries
b) offload photos/format memory cards
c) give their lenses and sensor a quick cleaning and;
d) be prepared to shoot like a fiend, with the intention of weeding out or culling photos out of the final collection.
I failed to check the battery on my Rebel when I was getting ready for the autoshow. As a result, I didn't have it as a back-up. Mind you, this wasn't necessarily a bad thing as the crop factor doesn't help in a realm requiring wide-angle shots. However, it is nice to have it ready to go for when you don't want to switch lenses.
Nevertheless, I had a good time and met up with 2 fellow photographer friends - one of which is well known for his club photos, as he freelances for Nocturne in Toronto.
All in all, I shot something on the order of just south of 300 pictures, and via culling, thought 190 were good enough to post. If i was a super-picky professional, that number would be more like 19-20, as the sensor was not clean and a hair decided to muck up some of my better pictures. [and wouldn't you know it... i can't find my damn rocketblower...]
Anyhow, having said that... here's a few personal favourites. All of the following were shot with my Canon 5D, and a 3 different lenses... 70-200, 50 1.8, Yashica 28.

While I love german cars for the most part, BMW has the biggest soft spot in my heart. Sadly, because BMW's space was rather tight and full of other showgoers, I found it a bit difficult to snap pics the way I wanted to shoot them. I even found it somewhat difficult to get decent pics of the Mini's, but that was mostly because of how close they were to each other and other objects. Gotta love that weird art-car though...

Not sure what it was supposed to all be about, but it was interesting. My guess is that it was supposed to be a generic city scape scene, but Toronto-influenced (there's a CN Tower looking thing on the passenger side of the car.
I think it's worth mentioning that I have never ridden a motorcycle. But more to the point, I've sat on only 3 in my life... all of them BMWs.

At the end of it all, I must say Kudos to BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, Infiniti and GM, for lighting their cars very well. Some manufacturers, had their sets lit-up in rather weird ways, with some cars 3-4 feet to the side of where a spot was falling (i'm looking at you Nissan!).
Only personal disappointment here was, completely missing Kia. But that was because they were next to Saab and Volvo - two manufacturers that have consistently failed to catch my eye.
Oh well... there's always next year! But I should mention here now... I *really* need to get myself a wide-angle lens for my 5D.